Wonderfull Paris


Paris is the capital city of france. It is located on both bank of the Seine River about 90 miles from the English channel. Paris is the largest city in france with population about 3.500.000 people.

As the center of French commerce, financial and industry. The center of world's fashion and mode. Paris become one of the richest cities in the world. Paris is specializes in such luxury product as parfumes, cosmetics, fashion, and leather goods.

Paris has many historical buildings and monuments such as magnificent Gothic of Notre Dame, Hotel des Invalides which houses's Napoleon's tomb, The grand Opera House, the Avenue des Champs Elysees, Louvre Museum which houses art works of famous Artist such as Leornardo da vinci with his "Monalisa", and the famous one is Eiffel tower which has 984 feet high.

Many of parisians is love fashion, polite and warm. The men are romantic and the women are beautiful and fashionable.

images from:
1. vibizlife.com (Eiffel Tower)
2. theatresonline.com (The grand opera house)
3. google.co.id (Hotel des Invaldes)
4. google.co.id (Gothic of Notre Dame)
5. piercemattiepublicrelations.com (Louvre museum)

6 Responses So Far:

bayu mengatakan...

wow..that's a great place

Harni Tyastuti mengatakan...

Jd pengen ke Paris kn lo.....

Edwin MauLanSyaH mengatakan...

Edw1n: knPa gA bAhaS soaL jaWa aja tUt??,,LesTari kN budaYa bAn9sA seNdiRi d0N9..!!!

Unknown mengatakan...

iyA bEnEr TuH!!
9iMaNa Sih!!

Harni Tyastuti mengatakan...

ah...Gw Cinta Indonesia
Tp sayang Indonesia gak cinta sm gw
Buktinya aja gw di Deportasi sm Pemerintah Indonesia kmrn d suruh blik kampung k Amerika
Berhubung Paris adalah tempat lahir gw
Jd y gw bahas Paris aja dah

meli helda wati mengatakan...

narsis banget lw
mana ada org amerika kyk lw
yang ada lw jawa tulen